Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Thanks and Election news

We had a great time voting this morning. We were lucky and our 6:45am arrival time was right on target. We only had to wait about 1 and 1/2 hours. It went pretty fast and our gal was GREAT! She wrote in her books and played games on our cell phones. She was patient and super. Whew!

We thanked our poll workers and I was surprised by how touched they were by our thanks. I think most people think that they get paid to work on election day but the truth is they are all volunteers. The do this work out of the goodness of their hearts and because they think it's important.

So we came home to make them some cookies! It went swimmingly, mostly because I already had some ready made cookies in the refrigerator. Miss thing made them a card and we'll take them over after they've cooled. Which brings me to my Thanks!! Since I seem to be doing them in twos:

1.I am SO thankful to live in a country where my vote counts and I am able to vote freely and without fear.


2.I am also thankful for the people who make this day possible. Here's to all the poll workers, we couldn't do it without you!

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